motif nak jwb tag ada gambo. alaaa nak buh gak ni selingan je. santek kan bunga ni? td ada customer bg kitorang ni.
ok..back to business! wahh business katanye.
aku telah ditag oleh zack_u semlm. eh..ye ke semalam? yea..yea..
ni tukang menge-tag nye :
starting time : 1600
name : zuhana
nick :zack_u, sepet, hana, zu, cino buket, ana, siper mungkin???
sisters : 6
brothers : 3
shoe size : 5
sebagai seorang blogger, bila di tag perlu lah menjwbnye kan. gituuu. so here we goes....
starting time : 22.30
name : harlina (elemekkk...1st time appear my full name here).
nick : linn, lina, ina, na, ha, helina, pah, makcik, doraemon (oh..ada ok org panggil aku doremon. yea...aku tau aku gomok)
sisters : 2
brothers : 1
shoe size : 7/8 (giant oo)
height : 157cm (alhamdulillah...sebaik tak tnya berat :p)
where do you live : sand warehouse, johor
have u ever been in plane : penah laa jugak.
swam in the ocean : toksah tnya soklan ni dan takmo jwp. nanti kena gelak ngan laut!
fallen asleep at school : selalu sgt. nak2 sekarang ni. sb tu laa tak berapa pandai. ikhlasnye aku jwp!
broken someone's heart : *dgn kompiden nih* oohh..tak penah (hikhikk)
fell off your chair : uishhh...never. kalo ada laa...kompem dah retak simen and aku kena ganti kos baiki simen tuh.
sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : tidak laa. kalo ngantuk bummmm. tp kalo on the phone sampai tak tido semlman tu ada laa. gilo
saved emails : ada laa gak sket2.
what is your room like : which room? bedroom? study room? store room? or living room which is also my tido room : bnyk tol room aku nih. penat kang nak explain satu2.
what's right beside you : buku economics (yg konon kata nak study tp nan adooo).
what is the last thing u ate : lomang belen jamuan petang td.
ever had...chicken pox : penah ler.
sore throat : laaa.. lg laa penah.
broken nose : jap rasa jap. tulang idung pun ala2 malu nak timbul inikan pulak nak patah. never laa.
do you believe in love at first sight : yes yes yes.
like picnic : of koz i loike picnic....eh..ke picnic foodcourt?
who was/were...the last person you danced with : aku tak penah dance laa heh. (caya laa..caya laaa :p).
last made you smile : a fren
last you last yelled at : kenot say here lah. kang drop the waterface. i tak soka!
today...did you talked to someone you like : tarak.
kissed anyone : uiksss soklan ko. hmmm jap pikir jap...........tetttttttttttt (abis masa so takleh nak jwp dah)
get sick : of koz la penah. kalo sick and tired of someone leh kira tak? kalo leh nak jwb gak.
talk to an ex : yup. ehhh...aku ada ex kerr???
miss someone : alamak..yes i do. my anak buahs and mr who?
who do you really hate : haishhh...mana leh menci2 org. tak baekk taw!
do you like you hand-writing: kadang yes kadang no. kalo cantik tu mcm tulisan akulah yg santek owhh & terlalu taksub kpd diri sendiri. kalo buruks lakk mcm cakar kambing kadang tuh.
are your toe nails painted : dolu2 masa zaman jahiliah ada laa. sekarang dah sedar diri. kononnnn...
what color shirt are you wearing now : blackie.
are you friendly person : 1st impression org will say aku sombong. aku mmg sombong pun! cehhhhh....hikhik. tp kan dont judge book by its cover kata org kg aku. so... to know me is to love me gittew. ehh..aku ni jwp soklan ke tak ni? mcm tak jer. alaa belasah jelah.
do you have any pets : tiada
do you sleep with the tv/laptop on : oh yesssssss. sb tu dok sorang2 tp bil letrik mcm org anak 6.
what are you doing right now : jwp tag laa sambil tgk csi miami.
can you handle the truth : boleh. redha jelah.
are you closer to your mother or father : mummy lorr.
do you eat healthy : tgk entry aku -> mkn roti canai +teh tarik, makan kari, mcd, kfc etc. kalo that can be considered as healthy aku mmg sgt suka!!!
do you still have pictures of you and your ex : u mean my ex? that anuar zain tu? yes i do :p
if you're having a bad day,who are you most likely to go to : depends.
are you loud or quiet most of the time :depends
are you confident : depends (wahh..malas sudah. ngantuk dah wooo).
5 things i was doing 10 years ago:
1. dok jauh dari makpak.
2. suka kwn ngan bebudak jauh lebih muda.
3. hoitt apa lg yea...tetiba short term memory lost.
5 things i would do if i were a billionaire
wah..kalo suh verangan meh kasik laa kt aku.
1. bayar zakat. (td kta dah sedar diri. kena laa zakat. tu harta bnyk tu wajib kuar zakat tau!).
2. kalo aku billionaire tu of koz laa sb aku ada bisnes yg boombastic kan. so kena expand bisnes laa. (cewahhh...tetiba memandang masa dpn lak aku).
3. wat pelaburan mcm unit trust ke stock ke (kira kalo sekarang ni tak kaya ko tak wat pelaburan laa yea? abis tu duit gaji ko kemana? apa laa ko nih.ehh..aku marah kt diri aku ni taw).
4. nak bukak bisnes satu lg. (jgn marah aku terlalu bisnes minded lak mlm ni. aku baru baca bisnes proposal assignment aku. so mcm eager sgt nak wat bisnes. padahalnye........).
5. apa lg....enjoyssssssssssssssss la. (eh..ni patutnye nomor 1 nih).
5 of my bad habits
1. introvert. gittew! td takmo jwp. hehe.
2. tak suka mintak maaf dan sebut perkataan maaf/sorry. jahat kan aku? eh...tp.... hishhh malaslah laa nak cerita. itu kes2 terpencil.
3. zack_u suka tahan berak ooo. tp aku ske kalo rasa nak berak. sgt best! hik hik. ehh..tu bad habit ke tu?
4. tak ske lipat baju (pstt..psttt....rasia ni tau! jgn bgtau org).
5. byk lg laaa bad habit aku. bg lima je ko. alah..malas la nak buat cenggini!
5 places i've lived/living :
1.. kl masa keje dolu2. takyah sebut laa kt mana. bnykkkkk ooo pindah randah.
2. shah alam dan subang masa study & keje dolu2
3. ehh..lupa daratan aku ni. batu pahat tanah kelahiranku lah.
4. pindah jb pulak..... kena campak dek company.. sob sob sob
5. umah suami <-- tiru zack_u :D
so sapa yg gue mau tag :
1. sept11 <--bls dendam sb aritu dia sesuka ati nak tag aku suh masak!
2. zuer sb dia opismet sept11. kot2 diorg bersekongkol. aku mana tau kan.
3. sapa2 yg baca dan tak penah wat tag ni. (aku tau ramai yg dah wat tag ni esp yg kt list aku ni maklom laa mereka senior2 lg dr aku dlm arena blog memblog nih). korang yg lain kalo tak buat jaga ko!!!
sila laa yea. jgn memalu.
ok..back to business! wahh business katanye.
aku telah ditag oleh zack_u semlm. eh..ye ke semalam? yea..yea..
ni tukang menge-tag nye :
starting time : 1600
name : zuhana
nick :zack_u, sepet, hana, zu, cino buket, ana, siper mungkin???
sisters : 6
brothers : 3
shoe size : 5
sebagai seorang blogger, bila di tag perlu lah menjwbnye kan. gituuu. so here we goes....
starting time : 22.30
name : harlina (elemekkk...1st time appear my full name here).
nick : linn, lina, ina, na, ha, helina, pah, makcik, doraemon (oh..ada ok org panggil aku doremon. yea...aku tau aku gomok)
sisters : 2
brothers : 1
shoe size : 7/8 (giant oo)
height : 157cm (alhamdulillah...sebaik tak tnya berat :p)
where do you live : sand warehouse, johor
have u ever been in plane : penah laa jugak.
swam in the ocean : toksah tnya soklan ni dan takmo jwp. nanti kena gelak ngan laut!
fallen asleep at school : selalu sgt. nak2 sekarang ni. sb tu laa tak berapa pandai. ikhlasnye aku jwp!
broken someone's heart : *dgn kompiden nih* oohh..tak penah (hikhikk)
fell off your chair : uishhh...never. kalo ada laa...kompem dah retak simen and aku kena ganti kos baiki simen tuh.
sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : tidak laa. kalo ngantuk bummmm. tp kalo on the phone sampai tak tido semlman tu ada laa. gilo
saved emails : ada laa gak sket2.
what is your room like : which room? bedroom? study room? store room? or living room which is also my tido room : bnyk tol room aku nih. penat kang nak explain satu2.
what's right beside you : buku economics (yg konon kata nak study tp nan adooo).
what is the last thing u ate : lomang belen jamuan petang td.
ever had...chicken pox : penah ler.
sore throat : laaa.. lg laa penah.
broken nose : jap rasa jap. tulang idung pun ala2 malu nak timbul inikan pulak nak patah. never laa.
do you believe in love at first sight : yes yes yes.
like picnic : of koz i loike picnic....eh..ke picnic foodcourt?
who was/were...the last person you danced with : aku tak penah dance laa heh. (caya laa..caya laaa :p).
last made you smile : a fren
last you last yelled at : kenot say here lah. kang drop the waterface. i tak soka!
today...did you talked to someone you like : tarak.
kissed anyone : uiksss soklan ko. hmmm jap pikir jap...........tetttttttttttt (abis masa so takleh nak jwp dah)
get sick : of koz la penah. kalo sick and tired of someone leh kira tak? kalo leh nak jwb gak.
talk to an ex : yup. ehhh...aku ada ex kerr???
miss someone : alamak..yes i do. my anak buahs and mr who?
who do you really hate : haishhh...mana leh menci2 org. tak baekk taw!
do you like you hand-writing: kadang yes kadang no. kalo cantik tu mcm tulisan akulah yg santek owhh & terlalu taksub kpd diri sendiri. kalo buruks lakk mcm cakar kambing kadang tuh.
are your toe nails painted : dolu2 masa zaman jahiliah ada laa. sekarang dah sedar diri. kononnnn...
what color shirt are you wearing now : blackie.
are you friendly person : 1st impression org will say aku sombong. aku mmg sombong pun! cehhhhh....hikhik. tp kan dont judge book by its cover kata org kg aku. so... to know me is to love me gittew. ehh..aku ni jwp soklan ke tak ni? mcm tak jer. alaa belasah jelah.
do you have any pets : tiada
do you sleep with the tv/laptop on : oh yesssssss. sb tu dok sorang2 tp bil letrik mcm org anak 6.
what are you doing right now : jwp tag laa sambil tgk csi miami.
can you handle the truth : boleh. redha jelah.
are you closer to your mother or father : mummy lorr.
do you eat healthy : tgk entry aku -> mkn roti canai +teh tarik, makan kari, mcd, kfc etc. kalo that can be considered as healthy aku mmg sgt suka!!!
do you still have pictures of you and your ex : u mean my ex? that anuar zain tu? yes i do :p
if you're having a bad day,who are you most likely to go to : depends.
are you loud or quiet most of the time :depends
are you confident : depends (wahh..malas sudah. ngantuk dah wooo).
5 things i was doing 10 years ago:
1. dok jauh dari makpak.
2. suka kwn ngan bebudak jauh lebih muda.
3. hoitt apa lg yea...tetiba short term memory lost.
5 things i would do if i were a billionaire
wah..kalo suh verangan meh kasik laa kt aku.
1. bayar zakat. (td kta dah sedar diri. kena laa zakat. tu harta bnyk tu wajib kuar zakat tau!).
2. kalo aku billionaire tu of koz laa sb aku ada bisnes yg boombastic kan. so kena expand bisnes laa. (cewahhh...tetiba memandang masa dpn lak aku).
3. wat pelaburan mcm unit trust ke stock ke (kira kalo sekarang ni tak kaya ko tak wat pelaburan laa yea? abis tu duit gaji ko kemana? apa laa ko nih.ehh..aku marah kt diri aku ni taw).
4. nak bukak bisnes satu lg. (jgn marah aku terlalu bisnes minded lak mlm ni. aku baru baca bisnes proposal assignment aku. so mcm eager sgt nak wat bisnes. padahalnye........).
5. apa lg....enjoyssssssssssssssss la. (eh..ni patutnye nomor 1 nih).
5 of my bad habits
1. introvert. gittew! td takmo jwp. hehe.
2. tak suka mintak maaf dan sebut perkataan maaf/sorry. jahat kan aku? eh...tp.... hishhh malaslah laa nak cerita. itu kes2 terpencil.
3. zack_u suka tahan berak ooo. tp aku ske kalo rasa nak berak. sgt best! hik hik. ehh..tu bad habit ke tu?
4. tak ske lipat baju (pstt..psttt....rasia ni tau! jgn bgtau org).
5. byk lg laaa bad habit aku. bg lima je ko. alah..malas la nak buat cenggini!
5 places i've lived/living :
1.. kl masa keje dolu2. takyah sebut laa kt mana. bnykkkkk ooo pindah randah.
2. shah alam dan subang masa study & keje dolu2
3. ehh..lupa daratan aku ni. batu pahat tanah kelahiranku lah.
4. pindah jb pulak..... kena campak dek company.. sob sob sob
5. umah suami <-- tiru zack_u :D
so sapa yg gue mau tag :
1. sept11 <--bls dendam sb aritu dia sesuka ati nak tag aku suh masak!
2. zuer sb dia opismet sept11. kot2 diorg bersekongkol. aku mana tau kan.
3. sapa2 yg baca dan tak penah wat tag ni. (aku tau ramai yg dah wat tag ni esp yg kt list aku ni maklom laa mereka senior2 lg dr aku dlm arena blog memblog nih). korang yg lain kalo tak buat jaga ko!!!
sila laa yea. jgn memalu.
hehehe.. lawak betol..
penat ooo buat tag ni. panjang bebeno ngan tulisan yg dah lari. hikkss.
mek fenat baru balik oversea (Laut China Selatan) uols..
nanti mek buat cayy!
Nok.. cut&paste boleh tak? hiks!
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