haaa...tu dia. namanye tag ber award. ni dptnye dpd incik sept11. haa tulah dia orgnye. kalo tak dia ni si zuer yg bg aku tag. korang mmg kan!!
tp takpe..at least aku takde cite leh buh tag2 ni semua hikss.
tp takpe..at least aku takde cite leh buh tag2 ni semua hikss.
Things to do:
1. Put The logo in your blog.

2. Add a link to the person who shared it with you.
september sebelas aka adibah
3. Nominate at least 7 other blog
sumer yg kt blogroll aku tu dpt award ni (yg lum ada lerr).
4. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog
dah siap dah....
i heart your blog too ;)
hehe thanks lily..
eh eh ci tipah dapat award lah..I love ur blog !!!
patutnye dpt award2 ni kna bg ucapan kan. haaa...zuer takmo bg ucapan ke? hehe
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