sent an email to them utk tanye pasal benda tu and then aku dpt dah jwpn dpd diorg :
Dear Miss Harlina,
Thank you for your email. Actually, it really depends on the outlet discretion, as to how they want to run their promotion. Every outlet may not run the promotion the same way as we do here in KL. There are also some promotions which we do not run in KLIA or Genting Highlands, but we do not print it out on our communication materials.
Please be assured that we are not cheating anyone. We will forward this comment to our management for them to further review.
Thank you for your continued support.
Secret Recipe Customer Service
gitulah bunyi email beliau.
pada aku not fair laa to compare KLIA & Genting ngan outlet lain yg ada di seluruh msia. what is so special about SR kt AEON Tebrau City JB yg depa smpai tak ikut the promotion campaign? sedangkan SR lain esp in KL bleh jer ikut.

KLIA & genting tu org lain paham laa rega diorg cemana. takkan laa tebrau city jer pown nak ikut sama ngan depa tuh. lain kot kalo mall tu dibuat kt tpt peranginan tanah tinggi kt johor. tp ada ke pon tpt peranginan kt johor? kota tinggi ada laa.
but then its their outlet kan. sukati korang laa nak wat cemana. cuma baiknye seragamkan lerr. kalo depa leh seragamkan resipi yg dibuat, apsal tak the promotion? huh...baik gak aku anto email tu kan so dia forwardkan email tu ke their top management. so that they all leh renung2 kan.
semoga SR unite. kalo customer senang, SR pun leh senang poket. khannnn?????

ni edited entry setelah aku meng-auto-publish, tetiba dtg lg satu email yg lain. rajin plak korang yea.

KLIA & genting tu org lain paham laa rega diorg cemana. takkan laa tebrau city jer pown nak ikut sama ngan depa tuh. lain kot kalo mall tu dibuat kt tpt peranginan tanah tinggi kt johor. tp ada ke pon tpt peranginan kt johor? kota tinggi ada laa.
but then its their outlet kan. sukati korang laa nak wat cemana. cuma baiknye seragamkan lerr. kalo depa leh seragamkan resipi yg dibuat, apsal tak the promotion? huh...baik gak aku anto email tu kan so dia forwardkan email tu ke their top management. so that they all leh renung2 kan.
semoga SR unite. kalo customer senang, SR pun leh senang poket. khannnn?????

ni edited entry setelah aku meng-auto-publish, tetiba dtg lg satu email yg lain. rajin plak korang yea.
Dear Miss Harlina,
Our sincere apologies for our over sight of not indicating that our JB outlets do not run set meals on weekends and PH. It is our general practice in JB outlets to only do set meals on weekdays, for operational and business reasons.
Appreciate your kind understanding of need to have some variations. We will be making ammendment/addition to emphasize that this particular Set Meal promo is not valid for weekends and PH.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen - on behalf of
Secret Recipe Cakes & Cafe (JB)
owhhh...dr jb nyer rep plak. siap nak make ammendment tuh utk tak bg that promo during PH.
alahhhh...kedekut ahhhh!!!!!
alahhhh...kedekut ahhhh!!!!!
ncik stephen tu patut sambung skit lagi ayat dia camnih....
Appreciate your kind understanding of need to have some variations. We will be making ammendment/addition to emphasize that this particular Set Meal promo is not valid for weekends and PH. Meanwhile, if you want to have the Set Meal Promo, you are welcome to KL outlets. sila sila!
Yours sincerely,
Stephen - on behalf of
Secret Recipe Cakes & Cafe (JB)
melampau laa nak mkn set meal kena pi kl. setakat nak untung rm15 pastu kena pegi kl ngan minyak & tambang rm150. tak sesuai ok!
weyyy... makanya mmg jat jb nan ado set 15 tu utk weekn ek? walhal on weekn lah kdg2 org baru ada masa nak kuar jalan2 n makan2... not practical lew!!! tak standardize!
kan nok kan? aku ingat nak apply jwtn outlet manager kt SR jb laa plak pasnih. marketing tak pandai btul!
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