bosan giler kalo cecuti tak ke mana2.
tu aku plan nak tgk wayang ari ahad. memula tgk tenet nak tgk show dulu laa ada citek apa, sb movie sekarang asik2 cite antu, antu, antu. sgt bosan ok! (padahal sgt takut hehe).
so aku pun masuk lerr serentak kt tgv n gsc website. tgk2 ada cite judul HOUSE. dlm pikiran aku dah dipelem kan pun aku smpai tak tau? mcm peghak btol nih.

yelah..cite dr house ni sapa laa tak tau.
aku pun click nak book trus tanpa tgk synopsis lansung. tp tah cemana aku terpandang perkataan "horror" kt tepi tuh. horror???
check balik synopsis katanye :

iskk idak lerrr....
tu aku plan nak tgk wayang ari ahad. memula tgk tenet nak tgk show dulu laa ada citek apa, sb movie sekarang asik2 cite antu, antu, antu. sgt bosan ok! (padahal sgt takut hehe).
so aku pun masuk lerr serentak kt tgv n gsc website. tgk2 ada cite judul HOUSE. dlm pikiran aku dah dipelem kan pun aku smpai tak tau? mcm peghak btol nih.

yelah..cite dr house ni sapa laa tak tau.
aku pun click nak book trus tanpa tgk synopsis lansung. tp tah cemana aku terpandang perkataan "horror" kt tepi tuh. horror???
check balik synopsis katanye :
director Robby Henson's psychological thriller House concerns a husband and wife who, attempting to patch up their marriage after the death of their child, decide on a spur of the moment to ignore their regularly scheduled therapy session and set off on a trip. After a car accident incapacitates their vehicle, the duo ends up at the title dwelling, where they meet another couple as well as the off-putting people who own the establishment...suh aku tgk citer gini?

iskk idak lerrr....
Aku pun takmo ikut.. dema ajaklah aku gi walaupun Gold Class ka.. apa kelas nengok citer hantu..!! kan nok kan..?? hehehe!!
noxx mek dinch minat yang seriess itiew...
lg suka yang glory horryy yang bwah...
matila psycho katanya...
tukar la, tengok cite pondok kat tv 9, host by nabil hehe..
ye ke tak tgk cite antu? mcm tak caya jerr hiks.
eeeewwww....seram lerrr.
bukan pondok arrr, tp pondok-pondok. iskk cite kanak2 jgn celen iols ok. ASMT tau ke cite pocoyo, little einstein tu sumer? tak tau kan? ekekeke.
Linn -
I ada antar email kat you...Please check yer...
nanti bila kuar cite sesame street kat panggung, kita gi nengok ramai-ramai iye...hehe
okie...nnt i check
erkkk..sesame street? takmo ah.
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