ni berita dari plus :
"As announced by the Minister of Works, YB Dato’ Sri Ir Mohd Zin Mohamed on 27 February, the existing toll rates on PLUS highways will not be increased for the time being.
As such, PLUS will adhere to this decision by the Government to defer the toll increase.
However, PLUS will continue its commitment to provide highway users with a safe, comfortable and smooth journey at all times".
harap2 mmg tak jadik naik terus laa kan.

aku tarek balek makian aku!
sokaaaaaa.... yeay!
hahaha..yea sila laa tarik balik caci maki tersebut.
tingat filem apa ntah namanya, saiful apek nak ngorat awek cun..dia pun upah penjahat buat onar kat awek tu, tetiba dia muncul balik semak pukul penjahat tuh....keke tengokkkk..hero dtg yeayyy yeayyy !!! apa gwe merapu nih..ntah...
Aku tak kisah tol KL-JB naik.. sebab aku naik bas!! huhuhuhu
apa lu merapu tu beb? tingat awek nan jauh di perantauan kah? opssss.....
eleh....ko naik bas dikala matahari malap. cer kalo matahari bersinar dan bulan pun mengambang, mesti ko naik keta gak. kan? kan?
nasib baik. kalu x aku gi KL nek komuter jer la. pastu suh cok amek
takpe tijah, ko bleh sambung merempit dgn kerbau bajak ko tuh dan menurunkan lg petua2 di jlnraya. eh apsal petua jlnraya ada satu part je tak sambung2? hikhikhik.
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